
Mariano Heredia

I've built 20+ mobile apps at Kartjuba. I'm implementing Web solutions at Commit 36. Working to make Rosta and MusicPrism successful microstartups.

23 years as a computers power user

Do you remember the first time – if ever – that you fell in love with a computer?

Intel Pentium MMX 200Mhz, 2GB hard drive, 32MB RAM, 24x CD-ROM, VGA graphic card, sound card and Genius speakers. This was the precious gem dad brought home when I was 13. And I can say for sure that I've been in contact with a computer every single day of my life after this unforgettable day.

Messing around with each an every single app installed on that Windows 95 box was all I did. And then installing and interacting with the first multimedia games and apps I ever had. Encarta 97, FIFA World Cup 98, PC Fútbol, Age Of Empires, Flight Simulator 98… when I remember today listening to my favorite music while taking off and flying around on a LearJet it evokes the same kind of awesome feelings as any real trip memories do. That was definitely one of the best ways of exploring the earth for a long while.

That same year dad upgraded the PC setup by adding such a small device that I could've never guessed it would change my life forever: a US Robotics 56 kbps internal modem. And, of course, he hired the services of one of the few Internet Services Providers available at that time in town. There was no way back!

At high school we didn't even have computer subjects. During the first year we had typing lessons (yes: by using typewriters). And, as old fashioned as it sounds, I simply loved it. Couldn't stop practising and improving. I was just fascinated by the fact that I could now type on my computer without staring at the keyboard anymore. Magic. On the weekends I even used to borrow my grandpa's electric Remington and just practise for fun. And that typing skill, though not fully required, was a plus for my career development.

I started collecting and reading every new magazine on the computers subject – here mom was of course part of the facilities team as well, thanks mom <3. Couldn't resist keeping up with all the hardware and software state of the art.

And how could one possibly forget about those awesome IT lessons on TV shows?!

Argentine Remote Education TV Show: Frontpage 98 episode

Never missed an episode.

With online resources and tools growing exponentially having an Internet connection was a key way to keep learning and practising at the same pace as the technology was being created.

I slowly became the family and friends target for all computer related requests: Word is not working, how can I listen to mp3 music, please rip this CD for me, install the new CD-RW unit, can't install ICQ, format hard drive and reinstall Windows…

And then things started to get really exciting for me once I came up with an idea to develop and publish my first Website!